Logos and Forms
For Presenter Development Participants
Acknowledging Consortium and Agency Support
For each event supported by this award, the Presenter must include in all promotion, publicity, advertising and printed programs, posters, catalogs and title panels, the following credit line:
“This event is made possible in part through grant support from the Montana Cultural Trust, Montana Arts Council, National Endowment for the Arts, and the Montana Performing Arts Consortium.”
Please use Montana Performing Arts Consortium, Montana Arts Council, and National Endowment for the Arts logos provided on our website www.mtperformingarts.org. When no printed material is produced, verbal credit must be given.
Acknowledgement is expected where space and time permits. For example, for small publications there may not be adequate space for the credit line and/or logos. Use your best judgement!
Final Report Forms
The Presenter must complete Forms A, B, and C by June 15, 2024.
Email completed forms to info@mtperformingarts.org.
Presenter must file FORM A with audience attendance numbers, testimonials, and performer evaluation.
File one (1) FORM A for each event supported by this award (listed in your Award Agreement).
Presenter must file FORM B which is single financial report of total revenue and expenses for the 2024-25 series season.
File one (1) FORM B for the 2024-25 season (FY25)
Presenter must file FORM C which is a single report of all performance and outreach locations.
File one (1) FORM C for the 2024-25 season (FY25)