Juried Showcase Application
2025 Applications NOW OPEN
Important Dates and Info
Application fee: $50.00 general, $30.00 MT-based artists
Applications open: February 1, 3036
Early-bird deadline: March 15, 2025 (Save $10.00!)
Registration opens: April 1, 2025
Final deadline: April 25, 2025
Selection notification: Late May
Registration closes: September 19, 2025
New to showcasing or booking conferences?
Watch the MPAC webinar...
The MPAC showcase & conference: Informational webinar for artists and agents
Presented by Emily Wolfram, Executive Director
Topics include:
General overview of the annual conference: what is it, who attends, key events, why you should go!
Requirements for showcasing
Application process on iwanttoshowcase.ca
Tips for your application
Other ways to engage through the conference and network
More showcase application tuturials available here.
Performing artists of all genres and disciplines are encouraged to apply for a showcase performance.
A diversity of showcase offerings is an important priority for the jury panel and for the presenters who attend the conference.
High-scoring applicants not selected for the initial 17 showcase slots may be invited to:
attend the conference as an alternate (in case of a performer cancellation) and/or
make a short pitch at our Five-For-Five session (5-minute pitch opportunity held on Friday evening)
Why showcase at MPAC?
The showcase events are important for artists who wish to reach Montana presenters who do not attend large national or regional booking conferences.
Approximately 20 presenting organizations in Montana typically attend the MPAC conference and showcase. It is a great time for artists to meet presenters from throughout the state and build contacts vital to bookings.
Key Information for Showcases
Showcase performances are limited to twelve (12) minutes. There is a 5-minute set-change between acts.
Showcase artists will have a 30-minute tech/sound check scheduled prior to their showcase.
Showcase artists must register a booth or have an agent representative with a booth in the Resource Room.
Five For Five: quick pitch opportunity for artists and agents
This is a fast round of artists and agents sharing the performance and outreach programs they offer to Montana communities. Each participant has 5 minutes and a microphone.
High-scoring showcase applicants may be invited to serve as a showcase alternate and/or fill a Five For Five spot. If a showcase performer must withdraw from the showcase, an alternate will be invited to take their spot.
MPAC is a partner of IWantToShowcase.CA. All artists interested in showcasing must submit their application and pay the application fee through this platform. Incomplete applications or unpaid applications will not be considered.
Need help with your application?
IWANTTOSHOWCASE.CA has created several video tutorials to help artists and agents navigate the application platform. See the links below for help. If you still have a question, contact us!
Showcase Criteria
Showcase applications are open to performers of all genres and types, from music (traditional, contemporary, classical, jazz, hip hop, country, etc.), to dance, theatre, comedy, magic, and variety acts.
Showcase artists are selected by a panel comprised of presenters and artists (or an artist agent) who are not applying to showcase. Each applicant submits work samples in the form of video or audio files along with their promotional materials.
The panel chooses a varied selection of approximately 17 acts to showcase based on:
quality of performance (work sample audio/video)
quality of outreach offerings
marketability in Montana
fee range
compatible tech/tour requirements
Application materials should reflect the configuration and program you plan to tour and showcases must reflect the performance to be toured. You should be comfortable and prepared to tour Montana during the fall, winter and spring months.
There are no restrictions regarding artists applying to the showcase every year, however, the performance material should be new. Some artists stagger the years they apply to showcase. Artists and agents are always welcome to register and attend the conference regardless of showcase status.
MPAC's juried showcase is a highly sought-after opportunity and each year there are far more qualified applicants than the showcase slots available.
Artists not selected to showcase may be invited to present a quick pitch in MPAC's "Five For Five" session and they may also be asked to serve as alternates in the event they have the opportunity to step in to showcase on short notice.
Showcase Provisions
Selected showcase artists will be featured in 12-minute showcase performances on stage in the Mansfield Theater at the Mansfield Center for Performing Arts. There will be a 5-minute break between acts for set changes. During the 5-minute break, the emcee will conduct a brief, informal interview with the artist who has just performed.
All showcase blocks will take place on Saturday, October 11, 2025.
MPAC will provide the following to showcase artists
Notification: Showcase applicants for MPAC's October 2025 conference will be notified of results no later than May 30, 2025.
Sound: A full FOH and monitor sound system will be provided for showcasing artists. This will include FOH and monitor consoles with operators, monitor wedges, microphones, and cabling.
Lighting: A general static wash will be available. This will be preset and cannot be modified for showcases. If you have any special lighting needs such as black lights, blackouts, etc., please indicate these in your application.
Backline: A standard main stage backline package will be provided, including: an acoustic drum kit, electric piano, synthesizer, two guitar amplifiers, and a bass amplifier/cabinet. This equipment is provided as a convenience to the artists and to assist in keeping showcases running smoothly and on time.
Piano: A tuned 6’ or 9' grand piano will be available for use during showcases.
Video: Equipment for projected video or slideshow will be available. Showcasing artist must provide the media source.
Tech Time: Performers must be available on October 10 or October 11 to run a 30-minute tech/sound-check and review final needs with the technical staff, sound engineer, and stage manager. All showcasing artists will be notified in advance of their load-in/sound check schedule.
The MPAC Stage Manager and Sound Engineer will work closely with showcase artists to best meet their needs, but certain modifications may be necessary due to time constraints and production flow. Only technical staff provided by MPAC and the Mansfield Theater may operate equipment during the juried showcases, unless otherwise agreed upon in advance.
Other than professional sound, lighting, standard stage equipment, and concert grand piano, MPAC will not be financially responsible for, or supply any special equipment or instruments required by the showcase artist.
Terms & Conditions
Showcase applications for MPAC's conference will be accepted until 11:55pm on April 25, 2025. Late applications will not be accepted, and incomplete applications will not be considered. All applicants must pay a non-refundable fee of $50 per application, which is required by credit card at time of submission or at the application deadline. An early-bird application discount ($40 fee) is available until March 15, 2025. MPAC offers a discounted $30 application fee for artists based in Montana.
If selected, the following is required of showcase artists:
Be available to perform a 12-minute showcase on Saturday, October 11, 2025. Be available for a 30-minute tech time on either Friday, October 10, or Saturday, October 11. Showcase and tech times are assigned by conference management. Special requests will be considered but accommodation is not guaranteed.
The showcasing artist or the representative agent/manager must have an active MPAC membership. To start an MPAC membership, sign up and pay dues here.
The showcasing artist or the representative agent/manager must register for the conference. Artist and Agent conference registration includes a booth with table and electrical power in the Resource Room (exhibit hall). Registration will be available in April 2025 and full details will be posted on this website as well as emailed to artists and their representatives. Booth registration is approximately $170-200.00 USD (please check back in April for updated information). Subscribe to MPAC e-news for future conference registration announcements.
Complete and return the showcase contract and technical production form by the deadline indicated on the notification. Showcase applicants will receive notification of selection by May 30, 2025.
MPAC does not allow independent showcases at the annual conference.
MPAC reserves the right to use showcasing artists’ submitted images and content for the promotion of Montana Performing Arts Consortium and the annual conference.
This application does not represent a commitment by MPAC to provide a showcase.
The Montana Performing Arts Consortium assumes no responsibility for costs associated with showcasing, including travel and accommodations.
The showcase application fee is not refundable.
Not showcasing this year? You can still get involved!
Become a member of MPAC
​Artists and agents are welcome to join MPAC as members anytime. Becoming a member puts you on our agent and/or artist directory and gives you access to our presenter directory. Join today.
Come to the Conference
All MPAC members are welcome to register and attend the Annual Showcase & Conference, regardless of showcase status. Registration for artists and agents includes a booth in the resource room and access to workshops and networking events.
Stay Connected
Join our mailing list and follow MPAC on social media to stay connected about upcoming showcase applications and other opportunities!