Gideon Freudmann
multi-cultural genre-bending cello music

Social Media Links
Artist Bio
Gideon Freudmann, cellist and composer, has been on the forefront of
that instrument's modern creative expansion for more than 30 years. In the
early 1980s, Gideon's formal education laid a solid classical foundation on
which he built a diverse catalog of wide ranging musical genres.
Gideon has lead several ensembles, building on his extended technique
with real-time electronics. He loops and layers his sounds, sculpting
orchestras out of thin air. Freudmann has taken this a step further with live
accompaniments for classic silent films. He creates an astounding range
of sounds and textures taking the cello into new sonic and stylistic
In the early 1990s, Freudmann was asked to accompany a showing of
Phantom of the Opera. Gideon has expanded his repertoire, performing a
variety of German Expressionist films and Buster Keaton comedies, as
well as films by Hitchcock and Douglas Fairbanks Jr, at theaters
throughout the USA.
In conjunction with his silent film work, Gideon continues to compose
music for solo cello and ensembles. He has recorded 25 CDs and
contributed to soundtracks for numerous modern film and concert
performances, and composed a catalog of sheet music for string
ensembles. He is a founding member and composer for the Portland Cello
Project, Whidbey Island String Trio and Caravan Gogh.
His music has appeared in a dozen episodes of TV's popular show,
Weeds, the Sundance Documentary Film winner, Buck and the recent
Moving On featuring Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda. His composition entitled
Denmark, inspired a film by the same name which won best short film
awards at several film festivals around the world. His music has been
licensed by Chrysler and Apple and is heard on This American Life, Car
Talk, Good Morning America and All Things Considered.
A native of New England, Gideon moved to the Pacific Northwest in the
mid-2000s. He is a pioneer in the cello world, a TEDtalk speaker and has
performed in Europe, Australia, Canada and Taiwan.
Outreach programs
I can offer any of the following:
- a concert
- an improvisation workshop for musicians
- a demonstration of extended technique and use of electronics
- lead community jam session
Last MPAC showcase
Have you performed in Montana before?
My previous MPAC showcase was in January 2020 just before the pandemic. That was for my concert program. A number of venues expressed interest and then had to cancel or postpone due to COVID . I'm excited to return and showcase my silent film program this time!
Contact Information
Performer Information
Gideon Freudmann
Agent Information
Touring Information
Artist is based in:
Puget Sound
Does anyone in the group live in MT or have origins in MT?
Number of people in artist group
Hotel rooms needed
Authorized to work in the U.S.:
Fee range for public shows
Fee range for outreach performances
Technical Requirements
Tech Rider
Piano required
Piano requirement details
Comments on technical requirements
Details are in attached stage plot. For a solo concert I need PA with one input for cello and one vocal mic. If it's a silent film program then venue also needs to supply screen and projector.